For legal reasons, we must point out that the products we present are not medical or pharmaceutical preparations. Statements on our website regarding the properties or effects of CBD and CBD products are based exclusively on customer experiences with our products.

Under no circumstances should our site give the impression that the information provided represents a promise of healing. From the description it cannot be deduced that an improvement in a disease state is possible. Likewise, we cannot guarantee or promise this.

Information and descriptions on our site do not constitute binding information or advice. For this reason, they cannot replace an examination, diagnosis or advice from a doctor or therapist.

The information on these pages is not intended to help you diagnose yourself in order to treat any illness or disease yourself. In these cases you should consult a doctor or therapist.

Disclaimer / exclusion of liability:
The products are intended exclusively as raw materials for the production of cosmetics. It is expressly not recommended to consume or ingest them.

Shipping only if you are at least 18 years old

Thanks for your understanding.
Your Bonorum CBD team